Monday 15 November 2021

I have not finished watching 1987 New Japan

Dick Murdoch v Akira Maeda (New Japan, 9/14/87)

Talk about a styles clash. In fairness it's not shocking that this was pretty damn fun, considering the match Murdoch had with Fujiwara in PWFG (which ruled). That was when Dick was broken down though, more about the shtick than what it would've been in 1987 (their interactions in the December tag show as much). Still, I wasn't sure how this would play out because if anybody was going to full force kick the shit out of a closet racist in the middle of a wrestling ring then it's Maeda (not that you blame the man). There were many kicks, but I don't think any were of the shoot variety and they crafted a nice little story despite the fact we were never in a million years getting a proper payoff at the end. I loved how Murdoch sold all of Maeda's shots. Right at the start Maeda unloads with a high kick and Murdoch goes down like his eardrum is ruptured, then later he does an unbelievable KO sell off the apron when Maeda clocks him again. Maeda would throw kicks to the arm and shoulder and Murdoch was really fun selling all of that, then he'd sort of go after Maeda's leg because around this period I guess everyone knew to go after Maeda's leg. There was a great bit where Maeda rolled all the way out the ring to break a figure-four and that crowd fully expected the double count out, so Murdoch held his hand up for a ceasefire and gestured to the ring like "shall we not finish this in the squared circle like GENTLEMEN?" He even held the ropes open for Maeda and everything. A very nice curveball before Murdoch smacks the ref' and the match gets tossed in the end anyway. Such is the way of things. 

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