Sunday 5 November 2023

Down in Florida with Dory

Butch Reed v Dory Funk Jr. (Florida, 2/20/82)

This might be a top 5 Dory match. It was almost a case of veteran technician versus young stud athlete. Reed's only about three years into his career, not quite fully formed or polished yet, but it felt like could use his raw athleticism here to make up for any lack of experience or technical proficiency (or, you know, whatever). This was like young Shaq. It didn't matter if he couldn't shoot a free throw when he could just take the ball on the block and bully any old white guy you threw at him. Early on Dory hit a shoulder tackle off the ropes and Reed just rolled backwards, popped up his feet again in one motion, and Dory had to take a beat to reconsider his next move. Reed might not have the mechanics totally down yet but when he wants to pick you up and throw you there's not a lot you can do about it. His gorilla press slam looked great and it was almost jarring seeing a former NWA Champion take a Butch Reed gorilla press slam and land in a regular flat back bump. Dory makes several attempts at a vertical suplex but can only get Reed halfway up, then Reed reverses it into his own through sheer strength. There was a great bit where Dory seemed to realise what he was really up against when Reed almost grabbed him for a body slam and Dory immediately scooted back into the safety of the corner. I thought Dory was really solid in his role, stoic and surly, working a great headlock early, and to his credit he obliterated Reed with a few forearm uppercuts. The headlock part was doubly cool because essentially it's a move where you're squeezing a guy's head as hard as possible, and as we've established that's something Reed could probably do better, which he eventually does as Dory tries frantically to shake him and Reed keeps hold of it the whole time. I'm not sure Dory had the zip for the rope-running sequence towards the end, but I like that he even tried it and the fact he couldn't jump as high as Reed might even have saved him on the double KO. It must be said, however, that the finish itself is very not good, even by early 80s standards. If you're Reed, what, you're just going to let Dory piledrive you? Silly ref'. Try doing the professional wrestling for five minutes, will you.   

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