Tuesday 18 May 2021

Sangre Chicana of the Day #6

Sangre Chicana, Pierroth Jr. & Jerry Estrada v Heavy Metal, Latin Lover & Octagon (AAA, 5/25/97)

This was quite the contest to see who could look the skeeziest, the sleaziest, the scummiest, the downright seediest. Chicana, Estrada, Heavy Metal, all three laying down impressive markers. Chicana had longer hair than I'd ever seen him with before and he looked almost deranged. Heavy Metal might've been fucked up a wee bit because he could barely stand at points, but I also think the ring mat was extra slippery because just about everyone had trouble staying on their feet at least once. Estrada is the most ridiculous looking bastard ever as he's dressed in a Dragonball Z bodysuit with his face painted like a KISS demon. Was that a AAA thing with Estrada? I haven't exactly watched a lot of late 90s AAA but I don't recall seeing him with the face paint any other time. Pierroth was really fun and I liked his stuff with Latin Lover ("sexy boy Latin Lover," as the announcer says), who was pretty muck. People shriek when he moves his hips so Pierroth does a mocking version and gets superkicked out his boots. Later Pierroth dumps him into the front row and the rudos punch him to bits while his adoring public look on helplessly. Pierroth might've even tried to start a scrap with a teenage girl. Octagon was probably the best of the tecnicos, which tells you the state of things. Estrada tied him to the rope by the tassel on his mask and punched him in the face and that'll always be an awesome spot. Octagon wiping him out with a tope was pretty scary, not just because you wonder how Jerry Estrada might nearly kill himself but because there was a chance Octagon would slip on the mat hitting the ropes and fall out the ring and header the floor. Things got a little overwrought by the end with chairs and bits of metal being used as weapons, but there was at least one amazing Chicana punch and sometimes that's all you can ask for. Liked the finish as well, with Estrada fouling Heavy Metal in full view of the ref. Things had already broken down so why not? In for a penny, in for a pound. 

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