Wednesday 28 September 2022

Tarzan Goto and the Sheik versus two men with cutlasses!

Tarzan Goto & The Sheik v Tiger Ali Singh & Tiger Jeet Singh (FMW, 2/29/93)

Total madness. I'm not sure if the building is small or it's just absolutely rammed with people, but it feels very cramped and the ring announcer is repeatedly shouting "PLEASE GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!" (prolly) during the Singhs' entrance. Everyone scatters in terror as these two maniacs with pirate swords scuttle out to the ring, followed by close ups of spectators nervously laughing as they avoid being stabbed. Tarzan Goto is not so lucky as both of them stab him in the head with a fucking cutlass the second he steps in the ring, then the Sheik totters out and HE is immediately stabbed as well. It was sort of disturbing as the handheld camera catches him blading himself several times with zero hesitation. And this was just lots of stabbing and punching, or maybe entirely stabbing and punching. Sporadically Goto and one of the Singhs will end up in amongst the crowd and the ring announcer is going ballistic again in case someone in a suit who's come to watch the wrestling after work incurs a stabbing. Sheik decides he's too old and beaten to hang with the new generation of folk who stab people with swords rather than forks so instead smashes a beer bottle off the post to a quite frankly biblical reaction. Even our man behind the handheld camera is taken aback. But the Singhs are too quick and one of them jabs him in the forehead with the arse end of a sword. The post-match is insanity. A bunch of folk enter the fray including Gladiator and Sabu, the latter wellying everyone with a chair, including Goto, then Sheik turns on Goto by throwing a fireball in his face and both he and his nephew set the bastard ring on fire! Sheik and Sabu wade into the crowd as the melee in the ring is happening and of course our announcer is beside himself in case Sheik tries to immolate a bystander. No wonder somebody tried to shoot him that one time. 

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