Sunday 23 October 2022

The Jumping Bomb Angels!

Jumping Bomb Angels v Glamour Girls (WWF, 11/24/87)

"I think these Yankee girls are in for some trouble." This might be the first time I've watched any of these WWF Jumping Bomb Angel matches. Could not tell you the last time I actively sought out a Glamour Girls match. Gorilla, Hayes and Bockwinkel (!) don't have a clue which Angel is which and they just refer to them as "the Japanese girls," but I'll be fucked if our commentary team and MSG crowd alike aren't won over by the end. The crowd are actually losing it after about fifteen seconds as Yamazaki is hitting crazy fast dropkicks and bridging out of pin attempts at warp speed. Yamazaki was a whirlwind with the sunset flips here, using them as hope spots, counters, always catching the Glamour Girls unawares. Judy Martin yoinks her into the air with a sort of fireman's carry slam, but Yamazaki lands on her feet hits a dropkick and Leilani Kai about flips her perm on the apron. The Glamour Girls can't deal with anything thrown their way because they were never taught how to in Moolah's basement and you know it won't be long before they get SURLY. Yamazaki's heat segment is a treat and I like how agitated Tateno is on the apron. The mark of a good babyface team is as much the person working the apron as the one in the ring, as my great grandmother would often say. The Girls (the Glamours, even) didn't work over Yamazaki's throat as such, but I did love how they'd quite often just step on it, sometimes with both feet which looked pretty brutal. Judy Martin putting Yamazaki in a Sharpshooter was unexpected but very cool too. After the hot tag it all breaks down a bit and the double bridge into double dropkick spot ruled, then in the tumult the Glamour Girls hit a fucking powerbomb and maybe this is the female version of that Tiger Mask/Dynamite Kid match where nobody in the Garden cared who they were at the start and by the end they were going nuts? This ruled. 

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