Monday, 3 February 2025

The Kids are in Town for a Funeral, so Pack the Car and Dry Your Eyes. I Know They got Plenty of Young Blood Left in 'em, and Plenty Nights Under Mid-South Skies

Dick Murdoch v Ted DiBiase (12/31/85)

This ruled in many of the same ways as the Houston match a few days earlier, sometimes almost beat for beat, but was also different enough to stand and rule on its own. They start things out like they did in the first match, with Murdoch jumping DiBiase at the bell and DiBiase turning the tables by hitting a powerslam while Murdoch is still in his ring jacket. That's always going to be an awesome way to start a match though so who's going to complain about seeing it twice? Murdoch was sensational in that first match and he was sensational in this. I think his work on DiBiase's neck was even more vicious here. Some of the stomps were godly and those kneedrops right to the base of DiBiase's skull were some of the best you'll ever see. When DiBiase came back and built momentum you maybe wondered if they'd drop the neck work, but then in the back half Murdoch used the chair again, just like he did a few days earlier, and smashed the thing into DiBiase's neck. Murdoch wanted that brainbuster and you bought that everything he did leading up to it was designed to put DiBiase out for good. DiBiase always has great whip on his bumps - maybe too great considering his neck was shot to hell by the end - and his bump off Murdoch's slingshot over the top rope was tremendous. He took that thing like Murdoch was trying to rip his head clean off. When he wasn't being a sadist Murdoch was begging off and cowering from DiBiase's wrath, on one occasion outright running away when DiBiase started to make a comeback. That led to an amazing transition as DiBiase chased him outside the ring and over the barricade, but as Murdoch hopped back over he caught DiBiase with a right hook to the jaw. From there he smashed DiBiase into ring apron and the rail and a ringside table while Tommy Gilbert was apoplectic. Murdoch might've been the best wrestler in the world in 1985. 

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