Tuesday 17 May 2022

Revisiting 90s Joshi #36

Itsuki Yamazaki v Plum Mariko (JWP, 5/25/90)

So Itsuki Yamazaki is the real deal? Because she's starting to feel like the real deal. It's a shame she retired in 1991 (and seemingly stayed retired barring a handful of appearances ~20 years later) because she probably would've been a blast during the interpromotional boom period. Then again there's all that 80s stuff with the Jumping Bomb Angels just sitting there on the internet somewhere so maybe I should shut my mouth and watch that. This was a really fun Yamazaki performance. She wasn't even substantially more experienced than Plum, but she worked this as more experienced vet against a young underdog and I loved some of the neat little touches she added throughout. Plum blindsides her with a dropkick and German suplex at the bell so Yamazaki slows her down with the sleeper, but you can tell her neck is dinged up from the German and she isn't quite right. Plum fights back with a few different strategies, once by using her own sleeper holds, at another point snapping into kneebars, always staying on top of Yamazaki and never giving her the chance to build up much momentum. Yamazaki really puts over whichever strategy Plum is using at the time, the way she'll frantically scramble to the ropes to break the sleeper, sell the effects of the kneebars after she hits a shinbreaker, just generally getting surly and mean when Plum keeps coming back. After the Yumi Ikeshita well has run dry I might deep dive all of the Itsuki Yamazaki. Whenever the hell that'll be. 

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