Thursday 3 December 2020

Revisiting 00s US Indies #11

Necro Butcher v Super Dragon (PWG BOLA 2006 - Night 2, 9/2/06)

Another example of a mid-2000s indie dream match knocking it out the park. This had a sort of old school territories feel to it with Necro bringing his madness from the Great Lakes out to Cali, like an Abby or Sheik rolling into Memphis and wreaking havoc. Necro's wearing cowboy boots with thumbtacks stuck to the sole. Dragon's mask is all-time great and he has that aura of a psychopath with the thick gut and bush league bodysuit; the sort of thing a serial killer flung together in his basement. It felt like a true spectacle before they even locked up. Then it felt like an even truer spectacle as soon as they did. This wasn't as viscerally insane as Necro/Joe but in some ways it might've been even more brutal. Necro/Joe was like the scene in True Detective where McConaughey tries to drag a meth head biker through a gangland warzone. That was complete chaos with the underlying sense that anyone could get caught in the crossfire. This was a different sort of chaos, a bit more channeled, a bit more primal, but even without the blood it might've had even more moments where you can't believe they've actually done this to themselves. Some of it was grotesque - the backdrop Dragon takes on the stage where he could've shattered his coccyx, the curb stomp on the chair, Dragon double stomping Necro's FACE (disgusting), basically every strike they threw. On Necro's end the striking made up an awesome part of the story. Reckless punches to the temple are a staple of every Necro murderfest, so Dragon takes the initiative early and smashes his hand to bits with a chair. Necro sells what may have been a very legitimate broken hand the rest of the way, going to these borderline-untrained punches almost as a last resort, throwing absolute hand grenades that might hurt himself but will hurt Dragon a whole lot more. Dragon responds with hellish elbows and punts and straight up chops Necro in the face. Every chair shot was outrageous and Dragon chucking one full force at the back of Necro's head is the greatest prison riot move in history. In matches like this it can sometimes be hard not to finish things on an anticlimax, just because they've put each other through such ridiculousness beforehand that you can't quite buy someone staying down for whatever happens at the end. That was absolutely not the case here as Dragon's Psycho Driver on the chair was a fucking absurdity. Honestly, I didn't think it needed to be 27 minutes long as it did lead to a bit of laying around. On the flipside, I'd glad they took that time in between all the hellish shit to sell a little extra, when the alternative would usually be cramming in even more hellish shit and it all being a bit too much. So you accept the tradeoff and walk away happy, if maybe a little dirty for enjoying two lunatics doing this to each other. 

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