Tuesday 15 January 2019

Maybe I should start that 1990 CMLL Project...

El Dandy, Mogur & Popitekus v MS-1, Pierroth Jr. & Ulises (CMLL, 1/5/90)

Well this was pretty awesome. I thought it started to lose a wee bit of steam after the lengthy first caida, but it was a great fall and it's not like anything after it was bad. Dandy/MS-1 had a wonderful exchange here and it's another one of those occasions in lucha where you hope for a long lost apuestas match where they're biting chunks out each other's forehead. This was way more mat-based (a title match certainly wouldn't suck), but MS-1 never could help himself even in a gentleman's contest so you knew there was potential for it to spill over. It eventually did, though it was Pierroth who really instigated it when he started punting Mogur in the spine. MS-1 dickishly standing on Popitekus as Ulises covered him at the end of the fall is one of those awesome little moments that separates the good wrestlers from the great ones. Popitekus is a fun fatboy luchador because he could squash just about anybody he lands on, but he's also a lovable big fella and has the haircut his granny gave him so when the rudos put the boots to him it's like a gang of bullies beating up a fat kid. Then when he fights back you know someone's lungs are getting crushed, so really it's the best of both worlds. I thought the tecnico comeback maybe came a bit too easy, although Mogur responding with his own kidney-punting and mask-ripping was a fitting enough way to swing the tide. His selling in the tercera as he stumbled around bleeding was a nice touch as well. Dandy hitting a bunch of cool spin kicks isn't something I remembered him doing in 1990. It's been a while since I've watched most of his run that year but I'll be shocked if I don't still think he was the best wrestler in the world. Even if it was a relatively short peak, that '89-'92 stretch was pretty remarkable.

1990 CMLL Project

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