Thursday 24 January 2019

MS-1 v Cien Caras (ft. Satanico and Mascara Ano 2000)

MS-1 v Cien Caras (Hair v Hair) (AAA)

This was a AAA wagers match alright. Tirantes bullshit, each man's second getting involved several times, some dude having his head shaved as the victor's music and pyro blazes in the background. But hey, the Tirantes bullshit wasn't totally over the top, the involvement of each guy's second was fun as fuck, and the music and pyro blazing as the loser has his head shaved actively ruled. So this was an enjoyable hair match between two of the most charismatic old dudes in lucha. MS-1 and Satanico made for an awesome pair of thugs through those first couple caidas. Every single chance he had, Satanico would get involved. He threw pot shots, tripped up Caras when the comeback might've been on, I think at one point he even punched him in the balls. It all got a bit much for Mascara Ano 2000 and he finally jumped Satanico for his nonsense, but all that did was get himself removed from ringside. Satanico going a step too far in the segunda and also getting bounced set up the tercera as a proper showdown. In execution it felt more like the third fall of a title match, but they sold the struggle well and I'll probably never not get into a big Cien Caras deciding fall. Say whatever you want about him as a worker, but that dude has charisma out the wazoo and his death stare at Tirantes was unbelievable.

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