Monday, 27 April 2020

Complete & Accurate Roddy Piper

Over the last couple years Piper has become one of my favourite wrestlers ever. The older I get the more I appreciate what he does in the ring, rather than just his amazing rambly promos where he reminds me of my crazy late uncle, or the fact he's a fourteen out of ten on the charisma scale. He's not the slickest wrestler, his execution might be a bit all over the place, but there aren't many who brawl as convincingly and communicate searing hatred like Hot Rod. Has anybody this side of Terry Funk ever sold a perforated eardrum better than Piper? I'm certainly not convinced. His eye poke is also the greatest of all time. Not a single wrestler in history did it better.

I've already written about a few of the Piper classics over the years, including the Valentine series, but there's a shed load of WWF arena footage out there at this point and any time he appears in something I'll at least find it fun. I haven't watched the Rude series in forever, not sure I've seen the Savage series at all, there's a bunch of Georgia and Mid-Atlantic footage available and that Portland run is something I've wanted to watch it its entirety for ages. Maybe he doesn't have the catalogue of a Flair or Bockwinkel or Lawler, but if I find a bunch of fun shit with Piper being Piper then I'll be completely happy.










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